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Medical pharmacy

With the country's emphasis on environmental protection and ecological civilization and people's attention to environmental conditions, sewage discharge standards are becoming increasingly strict. The sewage in medical clinics contains a large number of pathogenic microorganisms and toxic substances, which will cause pollution to the surrounding environment if they are not effectively treated. Therefore, whether the sewage treatment of the medical clinic is up to standard will be an important basis for whether the clinic can be opened.

In sewage treatment, the quality of medical sewage is complicated. The sewage contains a lot of bacteria, viruses, parasitic eggs and toxic and harmful substances, and some may contain radioactivity. The traditional design process generally uses biological contact oxidation + precipitation + disinfection process, but many small clinics The area is small, and the amount of sewage treatment is generally within a few hundred liters per day. The traditional process requires a large area and the process is complicated. The one-time investment cost is high and the operating cost is high, which is difficult for ordinary clinics to bear.
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